Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Seeding Transformation

How do we become heroes? Are we each doomed to lives of lethargic insignificance and casual indifference? Or can we be something more?

Stand Up For Kids, the homeless youth outreach organization with which I have worked for over a year, is an excellent example of cautious heroism. SUFK goes out into the streets and shelters, asking youth what they need and giving them what we have. And while homeless outreach is more daring than say, a bake sale, the organization generally limps along with a handful of committed volunteers and not much fervor. The status quo remains unchallenged.

How then do we transform? How is it that we stand up?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Sometimes we must be broken to serve our purpose. However tempting the path of invulnerability may seem, our hearts are never more open than when they are broken.