Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Project Possibilities

Ok, so we are past 25,000. In conversation with a few people (notably K and Mom), we have a few ideas for possible directions for the project. While I plan to continue writing much in the way I am now, it is worth considering a particular literary tack. The idea itself is starting to get pretty solid. What it lacks is any context, rhetorical grace, or rapport gaining mechanisms.

So... a few ideas.

A cross between a modern Poor Richards Almanac and an pacifist version of the Anarchists Cookbook. Entries are a mixture of moral reflections, tips for doing good, and mechanisms of social change.

A series of letters. Playing off of the Screwtape Letters and even a bit of St. Paul. Create a fictive situation and letter writer. Could be fantastical (angelic coorespondence, perhaps), psudo historical, or modern. Thoughts?

Working the reflections into an interveiw series, where I tell the stories of people I think embody the ideals I think so cool.

Weave the ideas into a universally written fiction, much like The Alchemist. Perhaps some kind of story about a heroes transformation from a self focuesed morality toward a world focused morality.

More to come. At this moment, I like the letter thing. Gives me the personal and authoritative I'm looking for.

1 comment:

SpinKick said...

"fantastical, angelic coorespondence"

That's me, right?

I think Angelic would be taking it too close to Screwtape, but I am not against the idea in general.

I do like the interviews, even if it has been done. Putting the ideas into a livable context is definitely inspiring.