Saturday, November 15, 2008

Random Crap Answers to Questions People Aren't Asking Me

Is this a self help book?

Well, kind of. Its trying to be just as cheesily inspirational as a self help book... its just an other help book.

Is it like Chicken Soup for the Soul?

More like Ducttape and Crowbar for the Soul.


Prophet said...
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Prophet said...

[Reposted so I can be notified of updates]

I haven't read even half of your post but I have read a somewhat random sampling. That said, I guess I'm not sure what the overarching theme of this work is. I've read a lot of references to changing the world, but a lot of people want to change the world. What change are you advocating and what means of accomplishing it?

Elizabeth said...

I was listening to "A Whole New Mind" today, and a thought occurred to me that the central thesis to your project is very nearly a follow up to "Man's Search for Meaning" in that it tends to offer ideas for purpose, when it isn't dogging us for all the damage we're doing. I think you could easily channel the chastisement into a kind of "Wake up, look around you. See what's happening here?" (in a nice way), go into some of the background philosophy/observations for why it is that we do that to ourselves, our planet, our community, and suggest ways of thinking and acting to alter our perceptions, fix what's wrong, and change our world.

Anyhow, it was a giant mind-blowing, cosmic singularity for me (a Keanu Reeves "Whoa" moment), so I thought I'd pass it along. Take it or leave it.

Unknown said...

Have not read Mans Search for Meaning... but this is now the second time I have heard of it.

Concerning the "Wake up, people" approach, generally I like it.

To Prophet...
I'm not sure of the overarching theme, either. Got a few ideas, but still sussing out the details. Generally speaking, my change the world agenda is about pacifism, proactive goodness, and broadening the scope of moral consideration.

Really what I'm after is stirring the idea that we should actually try to save the world instead of just feeling guilty or patting ourselves on the back.